Blessed Frederick Ozanam (1813-1863) was husband and father, a professor and servant of the poor. He founded SVdeP as a young student in Paris, France.
Conferences: There are 12 Societies in the Low Country, south to Hilton Head, north to St. Benedict's in N. Mt. Pleasant, west to Summerville, and east to Stella Maris, each with noted districts. Saint Mary of the Annunciation and the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist cover the Peninsula.
Membership: We are but a few and could certainly use more active members. We would love to have some of you to join us. Interested folks can speak to any Vincentian or leave a message on our help line at 843-727-1577. Be assured we will call you back!
Meetings: We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, at 5:30 p.m. in the undercroft of the Cathedral. Subject to change during Holy days and Holidays. Meetings are only about one hour. We pray, discuss past minutes, have a treasurer’s report and discuss difficult cases. We have great camaraderie!
Funds: The majority of our funds come from begging the last weekend of every month in the back of church after Mass. We are also blessed with friends who mail us checks. Checks made to SVdeP can be either sent to the Parish Office to our attention or dropped in the collection on Sundays. Note: every penny except for our 1 telephone line goes to the needy.
What We Help With: SCE&G, Water, Rent, Medical, Food (we have our own pantry), transportation, clothing etc. Hundreds are helped every year!
How We Help: Each member pickup calls a week at a time, verifies if or how we may have helped in the past. We have an in-depth computer listing of everyone we helped going years back. We do not give on-going help, nor do we enable our clients. If the request is viable, it gets added to our email web site where other Vincentians will pick up the call and will visit in the clients home with another member, always two to a visit, to determine need.
Twinning: At times, in desperate situations, we may need more help than we can give, and we contact another Society for their help.
Appreciation: We, the Vincentians of St. Vincent de Paul Society are very appreciative of the many of you who have so generously helped in the past, and we hope you will continue to remember us in the future.