Would you like to celebrate a special event or honor the memory of a loved one by sponsoring the Sunday flower arrangements? There are two arrangements in the sanctuary; each arrangement sponsorship is $75. Your gift will be noted in the weekend bulletin unless you request anonymity. Please call the parish office at 843.722.7696 to confirm the weekend you'd like to sponsor is available, then click HERE to download and print the request form. Complete and mail or bring the form to the parish office with an included check (ability to sponsor by donating online coming soon!). Thank you for your gift of beauty to our church!
It is customary for Catholics to offer Masses for others, especially for the dead. One weekend Mass each week is always said pro populo, for the people of the parish. Please contact the parish office to see which dates are available; in the Diocese of Charleston, the standard stipend is $10. See here and here for more information.
Would you like to celebrate a special event or honor the memory of a loved one by sponsoring the Sunday flower arrangements? There are two arrangements in the sanctuary; each arrangement sponsorship is $75. Your gift will be noted in the weekend bulletin unless you request anonymity. Please call the parish office at 843.722.7696 to confirm the weekend you'd like to sponsor is available, then click HERE to download and print the request form. Complete and mail or bring the form to the parish office with an included check (ability to sponsor by donating online coming soon!). Thank you for your gift of beauty to our church!
It is customary for Catholics to offer Masses for others, especially for the dead. One weekend Mass each week is always said pro populo, for the people of the parish. Please contact the parish office to see which dates are available; in the Diocese of Charleston, the standard stipend is $10. See here and here for more information.